Friday, August 30, 2013

We're The Little Bits

So I haven't written in here in a while.  There's been a little bit of stuff going on, but not too much.

Some drama on the homefront, but I think for the most part everything is taken care of.  

I'm fighting with the damn dr. office to get my paperwork for my prescription assistance stuff signed.  I need my Gabapentin and my Maxalt....without having to pay $42 for the gabapentin and even MORE for the rizatriptan.  I don't even want to know how much that stuff is.  Oy....with the PA I get the gabapentin for $25 (3 months supply) and the rizatriptan for free.

So yay!  I also think I may have Trigeminal Neuralgia.  I've thought this for a while now but hadn't really had the pain consistently.  Now that I am completely off of the Topamax, i've noticed it more.  But I refuse to get back on the Topamax, so I'm willing to try something different.  I have my next appointment on Sept. 26.  So I'll be talking to the dr. then about it.

Otherwise, I think everything is going ok.  I gotta call again next week to see if I can get some answers as to what's going on with my Disability Claim.  

Randy applied and had an interview for a Vendor job.  So please keep your fingers crossed that something works out for him.  He's SO tired of his current job that he's on the verge of just saying fuck it.   So, prayers and thoughts would be appreciated.

Anyway, I suppose that's it, have a great weekend everyone! 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything....

Current Mood: 
Current Music: Coming From the Game Randy is Playing

What's going on my friends?  Not much here, just kicking back.  It's been a lazy day all day.  Got up late and then just have been chillin.  We got home late last night, probably around 2 or so.  We ended up going out to Vail to Randy's Parent's house which was actually pretty awesome.  He had to meet his dad earlier in the day up the street to pick up the package that he was waiting for that he accidentally had sent over there.  So he did that and then was like well my dad said they're either doing Lasagna or Hot Dogs and mac n cheese for dinner, and he invited us out, so i got showered and we went and did a few things.

Randy has been having trouble with his phone, every time he sets it down a certain way or sometimes when he puts it in his pocket it'll reset itself.  He's been pretty frustrated with it and so we had to go to Best Buy to see if they could get him a new one, but the dude at the Geek Squad thing said just to try doing a factory reset on it because since the last update so many people have been having issues like that and the Factory Reset seems to have helped.   So he's gonna try that and if it doesn't work then he'll go get a new phone.

So we did that and then we had to go to Walgreens to pick up my pills because I was almost out and have been trying to get the Drs office to call me, so I just called the Insurance Co and they're sending ME the paperwork so I can take down to the Dr. Office.  Ugh, so we'll see when I get those.  Then it'll take another 2 weeks before I actually get the dang pills so, blah!  

I thought I was going to have to go without them because I didn't have the $42 to get them from Walgreens, but Randy said he would get them for me (Thank you! <3) and so we did that and then headed out to his Dad's House.  We sat around and talked and laughed for a good while.  It was so nice being out there and hanging out with everyone.  His step-sister Jenny was there too with her dude.  I dunno all what's going on with that whole situation but yeah.

Anyway so we ended up playing a game of dice.  it's kind of like the Farkle that I'm used to playing, however they use 15 die and we would use 6.  You have to match 3 of each number...three 1's is 1,000, three 2's is 200, etc.  So you have to get 2,000 to get on the board and then after that you can score as much as you want and you roll until you want to stop or you don't score anymore.  It was a lot of fun.  By the end of the night everyone was pretty drunk except for Randy and I.  I dunno exactly why he didn't drink much.

Well, after everyone went to bed basically other than Randy, Dale (his dad), Jenny and Rob, we were all being silly and just playing around doing stuff, watching TV and whatnot.  Well we decided to play "quarters" with the dice.  So we were bouncing them off the table trying to get them in the cup and then whoever made it got to give out a shot.  LOL.  We were being SO loud...but everyone was drunk and in bed so it didn't matter.  Well except for Adam but he was up and about now and again.

Annnnyyyway.....we had to get our Network secured because there was some RANDOM ass PC coming up on our network for the internet and everything.  So we tried blocking him a few days ago but he was back on the next we just Turned On the network filtering and made sure all of our MAC addresses were on that list.  Seems to have kept him off for the last couple of days.  woot woot.

Tomorrow Randy works in the morning.  I say morning but I mean he goes in at 7.  So he'll be home early which is fun.  I think he said he actually opens all week, so that's kind of cool.  It honestly helps me get up earlier and then the fact that he's home earlier is good too.  Sweeet.  I can't believe it's already the middle of August, this year is flying by much like the last couple years.  I mean gah, so much happened this year....but I don't want to get into all of THAT right now.

Anyway, I suppose that is it.  Gonna head on up to bed so you all enjoy this :)  Thanks for reading :)

Friday, August 9, 2013

Where I Spend My Time

Current Mood: 
Current Music: O.A.R. - Black Rock

What's going on my friends?  So it's been what, four days since I wrote last?  LOL, lets see what has happened since then....


On Sunday before I left my brother's house, well Randy got out of work at 5, so it was right around that time.  He texts me and is like Jean and Baldo's daughter says hi.  And i'm like uhmmmm Kaydene?  Because I couldn't think of the other one for some reason.  And he said no, too old and then was like it's Judy, actually.  So I was like ohh yeah ok cool, nowwww where did you see her?  LOL.

Apparently he works with her!  WTF.  So yeah he was telling me the story.  Cuz I asked how the connection between him and me with her came up.  His response..."well it all started with chiles".  Blahaha.  And i said "and you mentioned I was from New Mexico"....."Yup".  Blahaha, good times, yo 

I'll give you all the short version of that situation.  She's not *really* my cousin, but we've grown up with them and it all started with my dad's side of the family.  Her grandfather was my grandmother's step-father.  So her dad and my dad grew up together, so in turn all of us grew up together.  You know, small town shit.  lol.  Kaydene is the oldest, then there's Judy and they have a brother Bucky who also lives here in Tucson.  So yeah, fun.

Randy's Stuff

I don't know where to start here really.  We're doing good, I will say that.  There's just obvious tension because of money situations and then his job situation.  *sigh*  I'm so frustrated for him and I can't even imagine how he feels.  I've mentioned it before, but I'll mention it again just for the sake of this entry and if you are new or whatever.  He's been with Home Depot for like 5 years now and when he was in Cali, he was a Department Supervisor.  Well when he moved out here, he took a paycut, stepped down from that position.  Well, since he's been able to, he's been trying to get promoted again, back to Dept. Supervisor.

He even went so far as to apply at at different store (The Oro Valley Store) which was a big fucking JOKE because they never even returned his calls regarding ANYTHING.  Which is complete bullshit.  At least have some professional courtesy to call someone back and say, look we offered the position to someone else, but we'll keep you in mind if something else comes up.  Especially if said person called idon'tknowhowmanytimes after the interview.  I mean seriously.  WTF.  We even went up there one day.  Urgh. then he was like, I'm DONE with that store, they're crap.  Well apparently they were doing hirings IN-STORE which was good also.  But he had his interview last Sunday and then he was on Vacation all last week.  So he got back to work on Monday and they were like oh yeah we'll know by Wednesday.  Well, Wednesday night before he gets home, he's like "I am so tired of Home Depot".  I knew right away he either hadn't gotten it or they just didn't know yet.

So I just asked him what was up and he just said he hadn't gotten the position, that they had passed over him YET AGAIN for it...based on the ANSWERS TO THE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS.'s my fucking problem with that.  I can understand how they can base something like that on a First-Time interview, because you obviously have no experience with them and they don't know how well you work.  But when you are hiring IN-STORE, don't you think you would take a little more consideration into the Experience the person has and what kind of knowledge and What you know about how well this person works.

Apparently everyone was like telling him he should get it because of his experience and all of that other stuff, so wtf.  I told him how the FUCK can a few questions mad a damn difference.  It just baffles me.

Money, Pills, Etc.

I have been calling my Dr.'s office for like a week now trying to figure out where the fuck my paperwork is for my pills.  But they are not returning my calls.  It's so damn annoying.  I called today to speak with the Dr.'s Assistant because that's who you talk to...and she's out of the fucking office until Tuesday.  So...Yeah....I have to order my pills from Walgreens AGAIN this month.  That's like another $45...they're $25 through the prescription assistance thing, $20 is $20.  And the Maxalt...that's free.  Since I'm not taking the Topamax anymore I don't have to worry about that one.  BLAH It's fucking frustrating as HELL.

My computer is slowly dying, as is my phone.  So I may be off the grid at some point.  Meh.  We'll see how long each one lasts.

Amerie's 2nd birthday is coming up, that's on the 21st.  But they're having the party on the 1st of September.  Let's see if my parents are able to come because, surprise surprise, the car is giving them issues.  Ugh.  That's so frustrating.  They're trying to help me and all their shit is breaking down....*sigh*

Then I have to give my 30 day notice...which I'll type out and print over at my brother's house.  Then we were supposed to go look at another apartment complex today, but obviously that isn't gonna happen.  So yeah.  meh...whatever, i gotta go to the Storage Unit place and see if they got the fax from Farm Bureau.  Ugh.  morons....  Have a good one my friends....

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

This Thing...

I almost completely forgot I had it...almost.  But this is a more general place for me to write where I can share things with everyone.  So expect to see more posts here.  Most of the time I'll probably just cross-post from my other journal.  

I believe that was my original intent, but never got around to actually doing that back in, what was it, 2008?  Yeah, so now that I actually have more free time on my hands, I can do that now :).
